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Government Savings and Investing Products
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At a time when the U.S. stock market and currency investments have become volatile and unpredictable, a conservative-minded or risk-averse individual might go in search of safer investment alternatives.
In some schools of thought, U.S. Government-backed investment options might be the right place to look.
As an investor, you need to go through the process of reconciling your faith in an entity or investment with your desire to invest in that entity or add the asset to your investment portfolio.
If your investor risk tolerance is low and you have full faith in the Federal Government and economy, then government securities and debt instruments will check all the right boxes.
Still, the question remains, which savings and investment product will best meet your needs?
U.S. Treasury Investment Products
The following information is going to focus on six types of U.S. Government securities, how they work, and what kind of returns they generally provide.